Hey all,


I'm not sure what I did but I've had some intense neck/back pain the last few days. I wasn't able to hit my Monday deadline, but I feel it was a valid reason. I'm disappointed with the outcome but not stressing myself out about it.

This episode is purely esports talk on the collegiate level. Of course, I go on my tangents but the main topics are what's going on at Albion College and Western Michigan University. There's a bunch of stuff I'm getting ready for and I'm both nervous and excited. In this episode, I discuss many of those updates in the world of collegiate esports.




1:28 - What I'm Reading

Haven't done as much listening and I need to re-evaluate my goals for this.
Reading Veridian Gate Online
Set down the Bible for a bit but I'll pick it back up soon.
Want to find a new personal development book to listen to.

04:46 - My Goals:

I've been doing to the gym more often and noticing the small changes in my body
I want to meditate at least once a day now for about 10 minutes

14:39 - Smart Goals



20:56 - Albion Updates

Online Albion Tournament
Focusing on specific goals
Keeping players focused


29:06 - WMU Updates

Plan my Summer camps

For Adults
For Kids

Mario Kart Tournament

Club Charity Event

raised about $3500 



Social Media

https://twitter.com/ThePhilocypherTwitter - @ThePhilocpher


FGC Philosophy Discord - https://discord.gg/KfDZBrM

KZOO FGC Discord - https://discord.gg/7EsnZNr


For a free month of audible go to www.taviannapier.com/audible

Books I'm Currently Listening to

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by: JK Rowling
The Art of Learning by: Josh Waitzkin

Resources for learning SFV

Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/

Gief's Gym Digital: http://bit.ly/giefsgym

Gief’s Gym Paperback: https://amzn.to/2LV7i6v



Harris Heller
Discord: https://discord.gg/p3j7DRh