The Dangers of Bias and Misinformation 

This topic is incredibly important. This episode only scratches the surface, but it's a start. Sumguy and I discuss the paradox of the two realities USA seems to be living in. You have one side taking this pandemic very seriously, and the other side that (on different levels) denies the seriousness of Covid-19. This episode was heavily inspired by a clip taken from my stream (links here).

We start with Sumguy giving us a little bit of information about his upbringing.
For context, I recently posted a clip of my stream from my stream (which I’ll play later), in which I talk about my feelings about people not taking this pandemic seriously.
The responses I got inspired me to do this episode.

There is no denying there’s plenty of misinformation out there.
The issue is how that comes about.

How do we deal with the fallout that’s caused by a GIANT divide in what we consider reliable information?
We’ve always tried to celebrate freedom of expression here in the USA, but what do you do when that freedom is causing dangers to other citizens doing their part?
Questions like this and more are what we’ll be talking about in today's episode.

Covid Myths
Mask Myths
Aids Exposure Laws -


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Currently reading 

Start With Why by Simon Sinek
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Practicing the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Mindset: The new psychology to Success by Carol Dweck

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