Hey all,


I've been struggling with the motivation to upload consistent podcast episodes for a while now. This lack of motivation and execution has led to some stress and frustration. This was added on top of the growing frustrations of living in a pandemic. I was starting to see myself as a failure in podcasting and other important areas of my life. As I work on those areas I had to stop, reflect, and evaluate myself so far. That self-reflection is in-part what inspired this episode.


This episode is all about failure and failing. Everybody fails, and it's important to learn to accept failure rather than letting it affect you negatively. Many of us alter our behavior just to avoid failure. When what we want is usually on the other side of failure. Any good salesman will tell you that rejection (failure) is all part of the process, but for many of us, avoiding failure comes naturally, it's the only logical decision. Somehow you've convinced yourself that avoiding.

Does this sound like you? Leave a comment and share your experience.


What's does the future hold for FGC Philosophy?

"Podcast Character crisis?" 

A "character crisis" is a term used when a fighting game player can not settle a "main" character. In a way, I've been struggling with the theme and topic of this podcast. I very much want to break away from talking about JUST FGC stuff. In some ways, I feel restricted by the title of this podcast. I feel like my content has been getting stale, and I'm not as motivated to take the time to figure out how to improve it. Ever since I got my job as an Esports coordinator I've been very focused (career-wise) on esports as it was making me WAY more money than FGC has ever. I had a fiance and a son to worry about so I felt justified in neglecting my content to pursue a career. 

New Podcast on the way?

I'm finding it's increasingly difficult to talk about FGC related topics with so much going on in the world. In a way, I'm feeling very confined by the title as I have many interests outside of fighting games. I originally started FGC Philosophy as a way to improve my ability to speak. I have accomplished it. In some way, I feel indebted to this podcast. So until I come up with a better podcast, I'm going to work on this one. When that time comes, I'll be sure to let you all know. I'm hoping you will enjoy my future podcast as well!


Thank you all for listening, and as always, I hope you enjoy the show.


     - Philocypher

If you'd like to work with me and learn what the coaching process is like email me at [email protected] for a free consultation and free session!


My Social Media

https://twitter.com/ThePhilocypherTwitter - @ThePhilocpher


Discord - Philocypher#7773

FGC Philosophy Discord - https://discord.gg/KfDZBrM

KZOO FGC Discord - https://discord.gg/7EsnZNr

Currently reading 

Start With Why by Simon Sinek
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Practicing the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Mindset: The new psychology to Success by Carol Dweck

Resources for learning SFV

Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/

Gief's Gym Digital: http://bit.ly/giefsgym

Gief’s Gym Paperback: https://amzn.to/2LV7i6v

For a free month of audible go to www.taviannapier.com/audible

 Music by: http://youtube.com/chillhopdotcom

Mo Anando. - In Bloom

Harris Heller Collections

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