Time Stamps:

Catching Up with Philocypher - 2:15
Main Topic - 5:00


Show Notes

My Why: I want to see members of the FGC grow the way that THEY want to grow. Not everyone wants to be the best player, but you CAN be the best at something. I love the FGC and want to see it grow and that’s why I do FGC Philosophy.


Visualize something bigger - Use your imagination
Look farther out
5 Years out
10 years out
20 years out

Find something that makes you enthusiastic
Don’t focus on money

Avoid the “easier said than done” mentality

Prioritize Skill-building over comfort
When thinking about the long-term you’re going to have to think about building skills you don’t currently have
Think outside the box when building skills-based off what you want
Web dev

Build Your Network
Connect people that you know
Share your goals with others
Find out who you need to connect with to achieve your goals
Find ways to help these people

Make Bold Moves Sooner Than Later (START NOW)
Put yourself in motion of the dream

Find your why
Start Small and work your way up
Breakdown your big goals
Do them in smaller chunks


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Currently reading 

Start With Why by: Simon Sinek
Think and Grow Rich by: Napoleon Hill
Mindset: The new psychology to Success by: Carol Dweck

https://twitter.com/ThePhilocypherTwitter - @ThePhilocpher


For a free month of audible go to www.taviannapier.com/audible


https://twitter.com/ThePhilocypherTwitter - @ThePhilocpher


For a free month of audible go to www.taviannapier.com/audible

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