Hello all!


As of uploading this, I'm at Combo Breaker 2019!


It took a while to get this episode out due to audio difficulties, but the show must go on.


Recently I had a Smash Bros. Tournament in an esports arena for Western Michigan University. I share how it went, and then get into how that event leads to my body physically shutting down. Burnout or exhausting is a very serious topic and I want to share my tips and solutions with you all.


As always I'm joined by MegaMaxStar as my cohost. You can find him at https://www.youtube.com/user/megamaxstar


Feel free to reach out on my social media on twitter @ThePhilocypher if you have questions!


Also, if you're interested in getting a free trial of audible go to www.taviannapier.com/audible. You get a free month AND a free book at no cost to you. If you end up keeping the account it also helps out this podcast.


Thank you all for being you!

