Thank you for listening to this podcast, where Frontline Gastroenterology Trainee Editor Dr Philip Smith talks to Dr Anton Emmanuel, Editor in Chief of Frontline Gastroenterology and Consultant Neuro-Gastroenterologist at University College London Hospital.

The podcast is an accompaniment to the Frontline Gastroenterology Twitter Debate (#FGDebate) held on Tuesday 29th December 2015, at 8-9pm GMT entitled, 'Frontline IBS: An approach to treatment pathways?'

The purpose of the podcast is to 'fill any gaps' the #FGDebate may have left. Dr Emmanuel has provided the slides used in the #FGDebate to help those interested in the topics covered. We hope you enjoy this and that it is informative.

View the slides:

The next #FGDebate is with Ms Kay Greveson, IBD Specialist Nurse at the Royal Free Hospital London on Tuesday 19th January 2016, at 8-9pm GMT and will discuss, ‘Frontline IBD: Travel and IBD - advice from the IBD Passport'.