Knight Beauties was founded by Los Angeles based model, designer, and full-time single mother Lotti Bluemner. Knight Beauties came to life when Lotti found out music and art programs were being eliminated in schools.  She created her company because she wanted to make sure her daughter had creative outlets focusing on the arts.  Together they make eye-catching jewelry, accessories, clothes and they also give back.  Knight Beauties donates a portion of proceeds to multiple charities that help put music and art programs back into schools.



Rock band DED - Comprised of Joe Cotela (vocals), David Ludlow (guitar), Kyle Koelsch (bass), and Matt Reinhard (drums) – are one of rock’s most promising newcomers, and they have something to say. Their message has always been about hope, self-care, and the importance of being aware of how we look after each other and how our behavior affects not only our own mental health but each other. During this time of global pandemic and isolation, their message is even more relevant and important. The band believes that change starts with us as individuals and is building a community by offering comfort in times of despair, positivity by exposing negativity, and clarity through suffering.  DED is driven by a compassion for humanity and a consciousness that we can all be and do better.   




Mehdi Maghsoodnia is the Chairman and CEO of Vitagene. He joined the company in February 2016. Maghsoodnia brings over 20 years of experience in executive management roles at both public and private companies and has deep expertise in building technology companies in new markets. Prior to Vitagene, Maghsoodnia held a number of executive positions including CEO of Rafter, SVP of CafePress, Intellisync (Acquired by Nokia), and Actiance. Maghsoodnia is also an active angel investor and board member in several early-stage startups including SpineZone, MedCorder, Turncare, Swiftly, and StrongDM. Maghsoodnia received his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley, and has done graduate-level studies in computer science at Stanford University.

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