Hello, I'm Katy Bradbury, a qualified Nutritional Therapist, Private Health Visitor and qualified nurse. I have worked in Women's Health, Maternal and Children's Health for many years. 

Today's podcast is titled "Ten things it's fine to do at Christmas when you're struggling with infertility." We know that Christmas can be a time for treats and doing things that we don't usually do throughout the year, so here are ten things that you could enjoy this festive season.  


00:00: Introduction and it's nearly Christmas and 2022

01:34: A funny meme about some ridiculous Christmas traditions.

03:09: My next podcast will be a chat about my infertility journey

04:49: I'm here to give you a big cuddle through the airwaves

05:06: Number one: The most important one, eat chocolate!

07:15: Be mindful of the balance and how it feels for you

10:46: Number two: It's fine to get emotional over films!

12:33: Christmas is a naturally emotional time of year for some

13:37: Number three: It's OK to have a glass of tipple

15:27: Alcohol-free versions are available for those who cannot drink

16:27: Specific recommendations DM me on Facebook or email me. 

16:51: Number four: It's the time to hammer in those Brussel Sprouts (they are full of folate, vitamin c and magnesium).

19:37: Number five: It's strange, but it's fine to bin or burn some Christmas cards (or recycle)!

21:16: Number six: Its fine to tell stickybeaks you would rather not talk about it

22:26: Number seven: Its also fine to be completely honest and open about your journey

23:33: Number eight: It's fine to use the weather, COVID or anything else as an excuse not to socialise. 

24:24: Number nine: Have duvet days with your partner

26:06: Number ten: Its OK to start again in the New Year

28:07: My five-day Sugar Reset Challenge


Links mentioned in the podcast:

Sugar Reset Signup Page or email me on the link below



Fertility and the First 1,000 Days Membership:

Fertility and the First 1,000 Days Membership

Fundamentals for Fertility online course:

12-Week Fundamentals for Fertility Course with Katy Bradbury (evergreen)

Book a discovery call to talk through your needs for working together 1:1:

Practice Better

More info can be found about Katy on her website:

Katy Bradbury | From fertility to the first 1000 days




[email protected]

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