Katharin and Chris discuss the history of authoritarian Chinese (KMT) rule in Taiwan, current transitional justice policies dealing with this period of “white terror” and the possibility of a future Republic of Taiwan.


Nikkei Asian Review

After 1945 02:24

Chiang Kai-shek
February 28 Massacre
Hokkien dialect („Taiwanese language“)
Chen Yi: governor of Taiwan province after WWII
White Terror: martial law in Taiwan from 1949 to 1987

After Martial Law 14:00

Chiang Ching-kuo: Chiang Kai-shek’s son and successor as president
Tangwai movement
Lee Teng-hui: president from 1988 to 2000
Hakka people
Wild Lily: student protests in 1990
Sunflower movement
FOW027 – Taiwan’s New Labour Law & Taiwanese Politics

After 1990 25:14

Chen Shui-bian: president from 2000 to 2008
228 Peace Memorial Park
Freedom Square
Ma Ying-jeou: president from 2008 to 2016

Transitional Justice after 2015 33:15

Tsai Ing-wen: president since 2016
Transitional Justice Commission

Teaching Taiwan’s history 49:42

famous Tang poets: Du Fu, Li Bai
Cheng Nan-jung: advocated freedom of speech; self-immolation in 1989

Justice and closure 1:00:42

Taiwan Families Receive Goodbye Letters Decades After Executions

Reading material 1:06:23

Chris Horton on Twitter
Maggie Lewis on Twitter
Taiwan Sentinel
New Bloom Magazine
The Diplomat Who Quit the Trump Administration

Photo: Rovin Ferrer on Unsplash

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