This week we discuss a new probiotic coffee and then we jump back in time to discuss the Kimchi Crisis of 2010.

Show notes:

[We’ve launched the world’s first probiotic coffee
Beverage Daily]( “We’ve launched the world’s first probiotic coffee”)

[Rising Cost of Kimchi Alarms Koreans
NYTimes]( “Rising Cost of Kimchi Alarms Koreans”)

[Kimchi Crisis Leaves Koreans in a Pickle
NPR]( “Kimchi Crisis Leaves Koreans in a Pickle”)

[Gimjang aka Kimjang
Wikipedia]( “About Gimjang aka Kimjang”)

[Kimjang with South Korean Family
Youtube]( “Kimjang Video with South Korean Family”)

[How to make Kimchi Article & Video
OregonLive]( “How to make kimchi video and article”)