This week we discuss the ban on Mimolette cheese due to so-called high levels of mites. Other cheese news includes a UK cheese maker that has gone carbon-neutral.

Then we contemplate the importance of food awareness, convenience, specialization and the role of fermented foods in store and home.

Show notes:

[Cheesed off New Yorkers slam mimolette blockade
The Local](

About 40 people protested in the streets of New York on Saturday to demonstrate against a US ban on mimolette. They handed out samples to educate people on Mimolette cheese.

[French cheese causes a stink at US customs
The Local](

About a half ton of mite infested cheese being held by the FDA in New Jersey. They consider these traditional cheese mites to be an allergy concern even though this cheese has been imported for many years prior to this incident.

[US agency blocks mimolette cheese from being imported
The Connexion](

Another French article covering this hold on mite cheese.

[Save the Mimolette
Facebook Group](

The Facebook group started to save the mite cheese and bring awareness to the issue.

[Cheese mite munching on fungal hyphae

Cool video of a close-up on a cheese mite eating.

[The Kent cheese that saved the world
Kent News](

Winterdale Cheesemakers of Wrotham is producing a carbon neutral cheese and delivering it by electric car powered by solar energy. This seems to be efficient use of resources in the cheese making process. First cheese run is Friday, April 19th, 2013.

[How fair was the ruling against Chobani?
Dairy Reporter](

We’re not the only ones thinking that the FAGE lawsuit was hypocritical.

[Health and wellness will continue to drive US yogurt demand
Dairy Reporter](

According to 2012 market research, yogurt is popular due to health conscious Americans looking for BFY (Better For You) snacks unwilling to compromise on flavor or convenience.

[Long-Fermented Breads for the Gluten-Sensitive Taste Great
Bon Appetit](

Theories on why super quick breads found in grocery stores may be linked to some cases of gluten intolerance.

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