Professor René Repasi, Member of the European Parliament since 2022, reflects together with Dr László Andor, FEPS Secretary General, on how the so-called Qatargate has undermined citizens’ trust in the European Institutions. Both welcome the quick and strong actions taken by the S&D group facing this case of corruption and illegitimate influence. Repasi proposes a plan to avoid such cases of “bad apples” based on improving transparency, accountability, and media attention, and recalls the EP debate of NGOs and lobbies’ regulation. In the second part of the conversation, Repasi and Andor take stock of the legislative work of the German MEP since he took office, outlining his work in various committees and pointing to his main parliamentary battles. The discussion expands to thorny issues like EU Strategic Autonomy, and the speakers do not hide their shared enthusiasm for the establishment of common European unemployment insurance.

Professor René Repasi, S&D Member of the European Parliament, and Dr László Andor, FEPS Secretary General

Professor René Repasi, Member of the European Parliament since 2022, reflects together with Dr László Andor, FEPS Secretary General, on how the so-called Qatargate has undermined citizens’ trust in the European Institutions. Both welcome the quick and strong actions taken by the S&D group facing this case of corruption and illegitimate influence. Repasi proposes a plan to avoid such cases of “bad apples” based on improving transparency, accountability, and media attention, and recalls the EP debate of NGOs and lobbies’ regulation. In the second part of the conversation, Repasi and Andor take stock of the legislative work of the German MEP since he took office, outlining his work in various committees and pointing to his main parliamentary battles. The discussion expands to thorny issues like EU Strategic Autonomy, and the speakers do not hide their shared enthusiasm for the establishment of common European unemployment insurance.