Do you really need a surgical center to take a pill? The wrong people are blowing nonsense up Nicole’s skirt! Heads up, it is OK to have complicated feelings about Barbara Bush! It’s been quite a week in all things repro and we are gonna break it down, right here, from the feminist sleeper cell!
Episode 3 Show Notes:
The co-opting of Cardi B
Black Women Maternal Mortality
GOOD NEWS - Bye bye J. Marion statue

Gizmodo TelAbortion
Gyunity Health Projects
Telemedicine Iowa Study
That thing that is not a thing: Abortion Reversals

Barbara Bush-y
Tells GOP to "Ease Up"

Ilhan’s Movie: Time For Ilhan: Documentary about Ilhan Omar, the nation’s first Somali elected official, state rep from MN.
Debuts Tribeca Film fest Saturday!

DONATE to Lady Parts Justice

Do you really need a surgical center to take a pill? The wrong people are blowing nonsense up Nicole’s skirt! Heads up, it is OK to have complicated feelings about Barbara Bush! It’s been quite a week in all things repro and we are gonna break it down, right here, from the feminist sleeper cell!

Episode 3 Show Notes:


The co-opting of Cardi B

Black Women Maternal Mortality

GOOD NEWS – Bye bye J. Marion statue



Gizmodo TelAbortion

Gyunity Health Projects

Telemedicine Iowa Study

That thing that is not a thing: Abortion Reversals

Barbara Bush-y

Tells GOP to “Ease Up”

Ilhan’s Movie: Time For Ilhan: Documentary about Ilhan Omar, the nation’s first Somali elected official, state rep from MN.

Debuts Tribeca Film fest Saturday!

DONATE to Lady Parts Justice