Zillah Eisenstein is an influential scholar, writer, and activist who has engaged in feminist action and inquiry for over 40 years. Her book Abolitionist Socialist Feminism profoundly affected me when I read it last year, so I was thrilled when she agreed to come on the show to discuss her career and the state of the world. Among many other topics, we talked about being a white woman raised as an anti-racist, why protests of police brutality gained so much traction in 2020, the many social hierarchies COVID has exposed, and how she stays engaged and inspired after 40-plus years of feminist and progressive activism. One particular powerful mantra she shared: “Whatever you do, you don’t wait.” 

Stuff We Talked About on This Episode 

Zillaheisenstein.wordpress.comAbolitionist Socialist Feminism: Radicalizing the Next Revolution"The New US: While Calling Out Trump White Women""The Misogyny of COVID and White Supremacy""A Letter to My Anti-racist Feminist Sisters in the Time of COVID-19"