Today’s episode looks at Scottish independence and asks if going independent will make Scotland the socialist, feminist utopia we all want it to be. Spoiler: it won’t by default but it will us the tools to do so and that’s what’s so exciting.

My guest this week is Kirstein Rummery from Women for Independence (@womenforindependence). Kirstein is an incredible researcher who focuses on social policy at the University of Stirling and it was such a privilege to talk to her about Scotland’s future. 


Visions for a feminist independent Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

⚖️ Gender equality written into our constitution

🤝 More women and minorities in a proportionally representative Scottish government

⚒️ Having all the tools available to make more socialist/feminist policies which we currently can’t do under devolution


What you can do

🗣 Continue to have conversations with those around you about what kind of future you want for Scotland 

📚 Read information from independent researchers on issues that concern you

🙋‍♀️ Holding politicians accountable for any promises made in the run up to the referendum that impact women



If you are interested in joining Women for Independence, you can find out more at