Previous Episode: Ep 2. Universal Basic Income
Next Episode: Ep 4. Abortion Care

For this week’s podcast, we’re looking at environmental and climate justice and asking - who has power in these spaces? I’m joined by Alexis McGivern, who is currently looking at community resistance to incinerators in the UK as part of her MPhil at Oxford University. Prior to this, Alexis spent three and a half years at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) working on issues of plastic pollution. And prior to that, we shared classes together in our undergrad (many moons ago)


Visions for a climate just future

🌍 Societies that value care and integrate this into the fabric of our everyday life

✊ Dealing with the colonial legacies by paying proper reparations and education that deals with the root of inequality and how this impacts the climate crisis

➡ Viewing a future that is not only doing damage control when it comes to the climate but that allows communities to flourish and live together with nature. 


What you can do

📚 Read diverse perspectives on the climate crisis, particularly accounts from indigenous communities 

*Search the hashtag #climateactivism and follow some BIPOC accounts

🗳 Email your local representative and hold them accountable for governments actions when it comes to the climate crisis

💬 Redefine who is an expert on the climate crisis by inviting those with non-traditional experiences in to speak about what they are seeing in their communities every day