Previous Episode: FFR 164: Fame and Fandom

Today on the podcast we’re discussing the 1976 horror classic Carrie, directed by Brian de Palma and based on Stephen King’s first published novel. We asked our patrons to select from several films with Bad Mothers, and this is what they chose— a film with enduring cultural significance full of fascinating contradictions between de Palma’s characteristically problematic lens and other narrative aspects that seem to naturally invite a feminist reading. Listen in as we unpack the many layers of Carrie and how the film presents the feminine and femininity, including gender performance, internalized misogyny, and of course, motherhood.

*** Friendly reminder to mark your calendars for our birthday blow out! This Friday, May 21st starting at 1pm PT we've got 26 hours full of streamers and games all celebrating Feminist Frequency's 12th anniversary. Spread the word & follow us on to get ready!

Time Stamps:

10:39 - Main discussion on Carrie

43:56 - What’s your Freq Out?

Ebony on accessibility of art and experience— AREA15 in Las Vegas and François-Henri Pinault’s art museumAnita on the You Must Remember This Podcast series Polly Platt: The Invisible WomanSpecial Guest Freq Out Caitlin Grant of Plug It Up Podcast (@plugituppod) on the film Dog Day Afternoon (1975) directed by Sidney Lumet

Links Mentioned:

Tamoor Hussain’s “Message to the Video Game Industry” -

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