This is the second to last episode of Wild Cozy Truth as we know it. Tune in next week for our final show, then stay tuned for a brand new show in its place in January. No need to update your subscription - we’ll just have a fresh look and fresh name on the same feed. Get excited!   Make sure you’re on the email list for all the updates over the next few months:   Some of my favorite interviews are the ones I conduct in person without the assistance of video conferencing technology. This conversation in particular feels like eavesdropping on friends having an intimate conversation. Maybe because today’s guest is a friend who showed up (with cookies) ready to go there.   Kori Stephens is a writer, community builder, and whole-hearted mama who happens to live just a few doors down from me in the best neighborhood on earth. In this conversation, Kori tells us about the expectations and experiences of motherhood from the perspective of a mother of two little ones. While she felt connected to her first son, she felt disconnected from herself. The birth of her second son healed parts of her traumatic first delivery but left her reeling in a different way. These experiences inspired her to create the Whole Mama Project, a community for supporting mothers beyond the parameters of child-rearing.    Book recommendation: The First Forty Days by Heng Ou   Connect with Kori: @wholeheartedkori on Instagram   Transcript for this episode available at