Vallee McColley is a 3rd generation gearhead. Her grandfather was an avid hobbyist and a Sprint race car driver who taught Vallee’s mother all about cars. Vallee’s mother passed on the legacy by teaching Vallee the basics about auto maintenance as she was raising her and Vallee’s love for cars was sparked from there! As Vallee followed her passion, she discovered the world of auto damage and appraisal.  Vallee now has 11 years as an auto damage appraiser, she is an I-Car Gold and Platinum Local Skills USA Estimating judge, and she judges for car shows. Join us in this episode for this intriguing look at the automotive damage industry. Yet another topic to expand your mind about exactly what is possible in the automotive industry!


IG: @vmccolley83 & @drkhorse91 (hobby)

FB: Vallee McColley