Female Indie Artists Jiana Wessel and Beth Matthew shared their journeys as independent artists in their music career.

An important part of an artist’s journey is to learn about that of other artist’s so you don’t feel like you are on your own. I was so happy to meet up with Beth and Jiana today. As members of the Female Musician Academy, their stories couldn’t be any more different and it’s really interesting to see how they are each navigating their own unique music journey. To join the Academy and become part of our community, click the button below.

Beth Matthew
The Journey:

Piano, keyboard player, singer, music was a passion
Felt called to attend a national road show 3 years ago where she shared some music and was invited to record in Nashville
Recorded her first album 4 weeks later (at 50 years old) without a website or fanbase
Attended workshops and conferences to learn and network
Joined The Female Musician Academy where she found support and encouragement 


Contemporary Christian Singer/Songwriter
Mission: to inspire and encourage others in their struggles  
Authentic, connects live through Facebook, inspirational speaker
Developed and performs a signature concert

Best Advice:

There is life in music after 50! You have to believe in yourself. You can’t wait for a golden ticket to be handed to you. Working hard, making connections and fostering relationships with other female indie artists is the way to the top.

Should you join the Academy?

If you’re on the fence about joining, just do it. It’s the best value for your money. The sense of community, relationships and support have propelled me forward when I felt like I had no one in my corner. In an all female community, we share more openly, we have a sisterhood and there is a sense of safety.

Jiana Wessel
The Journey:

Was encouraged by her father to be a spiritual advisor and not to pursue music
Studied a variation of music since age 17 but started studying seriously at age 26 after trying design
Was encouraged to be an independent artist by her husband
She had no music and started out by doing videos of covers on YouTube, then her first original
Knew her niche before creating music


Joined Female Musician Academy where she has been more productive and has seen a lot of growth in her fanbase
Finds encouragement in Weekly Newsletter
Created a fanbase she calls “Dragons”
Engages with fans on social media
Music celebrates being different

Best Advice:

Be conscious of the advice you are given. I was told I was young and had plenty of time to pursue my music career. I wish I had started sooner.

Should you join the Academy?

There was a fire that was reignited in me when I joined the academy. It’s nice to be held accountable but not be beaten up if something doesn’t get done. The best part of the Academy is that there is no judgement. I can be myself and be accepted. I love the friendships and connections I have made with other female indie artists. Everyone is supportive and up-lifting.

It’s so important to have the support and encouragement of a community when you are on your music journey and that is why I created the Female Music Academy. Join the Academy to receive special training, expert guidance and friendships with fellow female indie artists to last a lifetime, all while navigating your own music journey.

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Bree Noble is an entrepreneur, musician and speaker. She founded Women of Substance Radio, an online radio station that promotes quality female artists in all genres, in 2007.  She launched the Women of Substance Music Podcast in November 2014, a 5 day per week show which promotes Independent female artists. Her podcast has hit #1 in New & Noteworthy for the Music, Arts and Society & Culture categories and #4 Audio Podcast on all of iTunes. She draws on her extensive experience running her own music business, both as a solo musician and as an Industry professional, to train and mentor other female musicians. Learn more about the station, the show and the artists at www.wosradio.com. Connect with Bree on Twitter @BreeNoble or on Facebook or on Instagram @breenoblemusic

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