Do you ever feel like every little thing is distracting you from your music business plan? This is one of the most common obstacles musicians (and entrepreneurs in general) face.

Sometimes it feels like the universe is conspiring against us when we are trying to achieve goals. As humans, we deal with personal, health and family issues all the time. So what do you do when you are feeling distracted from pursuing your music or business goal? While I can’t solve your problems, I can give you pointers and ideas to help you work within to get through the issues we all face. Like what you hear? Join us in the Female Musician Academy where we have a community built around encouragement and support.

Tips to work through distraction and toward your music business plan:

Segment off time. For one hour (or a time period you decide on), focus on one thing, whether it’s business or personal. 
Have a plan. Before the distractions, create a plan and action steps of what you need to do. Commit to doing one thing each day from your plan. Maybe it takes 120 days instead of 60 and that’s fine, as long as you are still doing things.
Give yourself permission to segment. Instead of being hard on yourself and dealing with self guilt, give yourself the grace to segment the time.
Have a morning routine. This can be anything that sets you up for success during the day. Maybe you take some time to meditate, make a cup of tea, prayer, or anything that centers you and helps you affirm your plan to get things done. Visualize your day and the productiveness it will bring.
Have an evening routine. Don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t get things done to your level of satisfaction. Instead, think of what you can do better. Think of 1 to 3 big things that you will get done the next day. Commit to getting them done before heading to sleep.
Find accountability. Even the most productive people need accountability. Think of getting accountability partners and/or groups. Become part of a bigger community you can go to for encouragement and validation. 
Have a mentor. Your mentor is human and also went through trying times and was able to move forward. Talk to them, watch what they have done and pull encouragement from them.

If you find yourself dealing with distractions, consider joining the Female Musician Academy where you can find a mentor, accountability partner, a supportive community and so much more.

Bree Noble is an entrepreneur, musician and speaker. She founded Women of Substance Radio, an online radio station that promotes quality female artists in all genres, in 2007.  She launched the Women of Substance Music Podcast in November 2014, a 5 day per week show which promotes Independent female artists. Her podcast has hit #1 in New & Noteworthy for the Music, Arts and Society & Culture categories and #4 Audio Podcast on all of iTunes. She draws on her extensive experience running her own music business, both as a solo musician and as an Industry professional, to train and mentor other female musicians. Learn more about the station, the show and the artists at Connect with Bree on Twitter @BreeNoble or on Facebook or on Instagram @breenoblemusic


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