Musician headshots are not something often talked about. After all, we are musicians and not photographers. My latest experience with having headshots taken was by far my most professional so I wanted to share my experience with you.

There are many things to look for in finding a photographer and the style of the shoot. Musician headshots are something to start thinking about in the end of the Foundation  Stage and the beginning of Stage 2, the Promotional Stage. To learn more about the stages of musician careers, join me for my Musician’s Profit Path Masterclass where you will learn what the stages are, where you fall in the continuum, what emotions you might be feeling and what you need to do to get to the next level. 

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Why musicians need headshots

Promotional reasons such as podcasts, workshops. interviews and offline reasons such as flyers and posters to bring to gigs and advertising for gigs.
Profile photos on social media platforms.
Press releases.
A headshot is an investment into your business.

How to find a photographer for your musician headshots:

Look for a professional who does this often and look at samples of their work.
Ask for referrals from peers in forums or in Facebook groups. Check internet communities such as
Ask business people, actors and fellow musicians for recommendations.
Do your research and ask questions about the photographer. Remember, outstanding credentials doesn’t always equal outstanding results.

How to get great musician headshots

Have a consultation BEFORE the shoot. Skype about the details if you don’t live locally. Make sure you express your expectations. Be honest with your photographer and explain any fears and problems you have had in the past. This gives the photographer time to prepare or think of ways to pose you so you can look your best.
Hire a stylist. They can make sure that you have a great outfit, great accessories.
Do they work with a makeup artist on location? Another thing off your plate and they can do your makeup so your complexion looks even. When they work with a photographer, they know how to apply makeup that will look great in a photo.
Get your hair done if you can.
Discuss location. You’ll probably want to use one location for headshots. The background should be interesting but not something that detracts from you. You’ll also need a place that has great lighting.
Discuss the use of props. Think about items that will work well for your brand but not be distracting. For example, headphones, microphone, guitar, etc.
Don’t do anything trendy. A well styled headshot for a couple years.
 Trust the process and know that you will be taken care of, the photographer is a professional.

Musician Headshots on a budget

Be creative and use shots you already have.
Ask friends to take photos of you at gigs and events.
Have a family friend take a photo in a well lit area with a subtle background.

I hope you are able to use this information to plan for your own musician headshots. When done properly, headshots can be used for many years to come. Remember, if you don’t feel comfortable finding an outfit and accessories or doing your own makeup, hire a stylist. The money you put out will be made back ten fold with the use of your brand new musician headshots.

Bree Noble is an entrepreneur, musician and speaker. She founded Women of Substance Radio, an online radio station that promotes quality female artists in all genres, in 2007.  She launched the Women of Substance Music Podcast in November 2014, a 5 day per week show which promotes Independent female artists. Her podcast has hit #1 in New & Noteworthy for the Music, Arts and Society & Culture categories and #4 Audio Podcast on all of iTunes. She draws on her extensive experience running her own music business, both as a solo musician and as an Industry professional, to train and mentor other female musicians. Learn more about the station, the show and the artists Connect with Bree on Twitter @BreeNoble or on Facebook or on Instagram @breenoblemusic

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