What are Mp3 Tags And Why Are They Important

An Mp3 Tage also known as an ID3 tag is a data container within an MP3 audio file stored in a prescribed format. This data commonly contains the Artist name, Song title, Year and Genre of the current audio file.  ID3 tags are the audio file data standard for MP3 files in active use by software and hardware developers around the world.

Tagging is the process of writing categorical data to the mp3 file so the media player (iTunes) can organize the files based on album, artist, genre, year, composer, type, etc.  The long and short of it – you need tags so your audio device, computer software of airplay software for radio and read your file information.

How To Create Mp3 Tags

When people download your music and listen to it, they will know it’s you because you name will appear in the artist field on their device.
Listeners can search for your music by your artist name.
Listeners will know the name of the song so if they like it they can play it again, add it to a preferred playlist, etc.
All the songs from your album will stay together on a listener’s device.
Your music will be presented in a professional manner
When someone does a genre search, your music will come up in the proper genre search.
Make sure your album cover appears on devices and online radio stations. – it looks SO much more professional.

Mp3 Tag Software

Free mp3 tag software download


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Show Editing by Jen Edds at 317 Sound Design
Music by Stella Ronson

Bree Noble is an entrepreneur, musician and speaker. She founded Women of Substance Radio, an online radio station that promotes quality female artists in all genres, in 2007.  She launched the Women of Substance Music Podcast in November 2014, a 5 day per week show which promotes Independent female artists. Her podcast has hit #1 in New & Noteworthy for the Music, Arts and Society & Culture categories and #4 Audio Podcast on all of iTunes. She draws on her extensive experience running her own music business, both as a solo musician and as an Industry professional, to train and mentor other female musicians. Learn more about the station, the show and the artists atwww.wosradio.com. Connect with Bree on Twitter @BreeNoble or on Facebook or on Instagram @breenoblemusic


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