He’s been described as ‘the Coco Chanel of kit design’.

We chat with Jason Lee. Not a name that’s ringing a bell and what his significance to FC St. Pauli? Well, he designed some of the the most iconic FCSP shirts of not just the modern era, but maybe in all of the club’s history. As we talk about the Hummel kits for ‘14-‘15, we discover his background, his career path to kit design, the professional challenges he faced going in to the project, and his creative process.

His work can be found and enjoyed at:
fokohaela.com and losdejos.com

And Instagram and Twitter accounts under the same names:


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Music provided by The Pagans of Northumberland. Music available to download at:
thepagansofnorthumberland.bandcamp.com and be sure to stop by their Facebook and Instagram pages!