In many ways, aging can truly bring on our “Golden Years.” Yet, sadly, the number of scams and various other fraudulent means of targeting us seniors are on the rise. And many of these crimes are actually perpetrated by those in our own peer group.

Yes, there are a whopping 14 million people over the age of 50 in our country who have antisocial, narcissistic, borderline or histrionic personality disorders. In other words, they are senior sociopaths.

Our guest, Donna Andersen, knows first hand what living with a senior sociopath is like. In fact, she married one! But, rather then retreating into self-pity and bitterness, Donna has turned her own misfortune around by sharing her story so that others can learn from her experience. She’s the author of eight books on the topic including Love Fraud, Red Flags of Love Fraud—10 Signs You’re Dating a Sociopath and now her latest book, Senior Sociopath: How to Recognize and Escape Lifelong Abusers.

If you or someone you care about has been impacted by the actions of a senior sociopath, please take a few minutes to tune in. You will hear Donna Andersen discuss the issues involved and ways you can successfully overcome them and heal from the emotional trauma you may have experienced.