Are you over 50 and thinking about going after some long deferred dream? Perhaps you want to start a business, head out for parts unknown or pursue some other goal that’s meaningful to you. If so… you'll want to be sure to listen to what Jason Zook has to say

Jason is one of those people who is known for following his own path. Moreover, it’s a weird one... and it’s profitable! He became a millionaire “owning his own weird.” 

In fact, Jason is living proof that weirdness does pay off. He made over a million dollars by convincing more than 1,600 companies to pay him to wear their t-shirt, auctioned off his last name twice, for $50K a pop, and self-published his first book, Creativity for Sale, by nabbing sponsors and generating $75K in revenue. 

His latest book is entitled “Own Your Weird” wherein he shares how you, too, can find happiness in work, life and love by being oddly effective at weirdness.

Jason joins us today to share his tips, strategies and more to help you make the most of life by owning our personal weird. So, believe, me you won’t want to miss this one!