Who among us wouldn’t want to live a long, happy, fulfilling, and relatively stress-free life? Our guest, Marni Jameson, is joining us to share all about her just released book entitled: Rightsize Today to Create Your Best Life Tomorrow. The subtitle of her book reads: A Motivational Guide for Those Seeking Their Ideal Home Later in Life and the book is a step-by-step guide to doing just that.

Marni is a nationally syndicated home-design columnist, award-winning journalist, speaker, and frequent TV guest. She is the author of seven books (including an Amazon #1 bestseller) and, for sure, Rightsize Today is a book you will want to have in your own library.

In fact, if you care about your own wellbeing, creating a home that will meet your physical needs while it nurtures your soul, you’ll want to make sure you hear what Marni has to share!