Each of us over the age of 50 holds concerns about the health of our brain and cognitive processes.  We can’t help but notice how names escape us, how we lose our train of thought or when we stare blankly into the refrigerator wondering what we had wanted in the first place. That’s why this show will prove especially helpful to any boomer out there.

Our guest, Dr. John Medina is a developmental molecular biologist. He is also the New York Times bestselling author of Brain Rules and has just come out with his latest brain book. It’s called Brain Rules For Aging Well and this one is aimed at us boomers. Not only is the book packed with cutting edge scientific research, the information is delivered in a highly readable fashion. Who would think, in fact, that one could enjoy so many laugh-out-loud moments while reading a book on brain health?

So, if you care about the health of your brain, what you can do about it and have the information presented in an entertaining way, you won’t want to miss this lively interview with John!