Boomers know, despite the many upsides of age, one of the hardest lessons the years bring is facing significant grief and loss. Death affects each and every one of us and the process of mourning is still deeply misunderstood. Moreover, we all want to know how best to support those we love who are experiencing significant loss in their own lives. And that is where our guest is especially helpful. 

Sherrie Dunlevy is a former news anchor, radio talk show host and businesswoman. But she is also a mother who has experienced the all-encompassing grief of losing a child. It is her heartfelt hope that sharing her story will help others. Her book is entitled, How Can I Help? Your Go-to Guide for Helping Loved Ones Through Life’s Difficulties and Sherrie joins us to share all about it.

If you or someone you know is dealing with illness, death or other profound loss, you will want to be sure to hear what Sherrie has to say.