As long as there have been rational humans walking the earth, mankind’s greatest mystery has remained the same: what happens when we die?

Moreover, as boomers, we know that one of the realities of age is the increasing awareness that life doesn’t go on forever. Whether it’s the loss of loved ones or the recognition of our own mortality, death becomes an ever-greater presence in our lives.                                               

Therefore, it is with great appreciation that I host our guest on Feisty Side of Fifty Radio: Dr. Christopher Kerr. Dr. Kerr is the CEO and chief medical officer at Hospice Buffalo. By way of his work, Dr. Kerr has been documenting the dreams and visions of dying patients for years. And because of this research, Dr. Kerr has come to the realization that end of life can be—and usually is—a time of great spiritual and emotional awareness. He joins us to share accounts of these dreams and visions from his remarkable book, Death is But a Dream: Finding Hope and Meaning at Life's End.

Whether you adhere to an organized religion, consider yourself an agnostic or believe in a Universal Spirit, you will want to listen to this extraordinary glimpse into the end of life experiences of hundreds of patients. Make sure you tune in for this one!