If you’re a grandma, no doubt you know there’s no greater fun than sharing both food and fun with your grandchildren. That is where our guest comes in…

Bonnie Taub-Dix, MA, RDN, CDN is the award-winning author of, Read It Before You Eat It – Taking You from Label to Table, and creator of the website and blog called, BetterThanDieting.com. She’s a media personality, motivational speaker and journalist whose messages focus on food, health and wellness. Bonnie is a recipient of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics prestigious Media Excellence Award. But her all-time favorite award and happiest pastime is cooking in the kitchen with her family.

Bonnie joins us to share all about how we can make cooking with the kiddies fun and nutritious. So gather your grandchildren and be sure to tune in for this one!