Motherhood is never easy but it can be especially hard for women who are doing it all as single parents. In addition to the challenges of successfully rearing a child in today’s world, these overworked women must often cope with other major stresses. Work, financial concerns and the task of overseeing a household are difficult to manage… especially on your own. 

That’s where today’s guest can really help. Takiyah Smith is both a mother and a business professional. Moreover, she has a passion for women’s empowerment and loves inspiring others to embrace their families and create the life they desire.  

Currently, Takiyah is promoting her first book Single Mom and the City: Create Time, Money and a Rich Life. Publishing date is October 23, 2019. She is excited to share the knowledge she has gained through thousands of hours of research (both academic and anecdotal) with those who could benefit from the experiences and wisdom she gained. 

If you’re a midlife mother, a grandmother or know a woman who is currently struggling as a single parent, please make sure to tune in and listen to the important information Takiyah has to share.