Previous Episode: Bees make honey
Next Episode: Testing times

Lesley's latest  Scotsman article on berries rotting in the fields sparked some controversy among its readership. But just what are the causes of this farming disaster?

Talking of controversy, Tommy Sheppard became headline news with his reply to Labour MP Ian Murray that, in retrospect, he would vote to bring down the Labour government of 1979 just as his SNP colleagues did back then. For those of you too young or too sensible  to get the symbolic nature of that exchange I launch into a history lesson. Feel free to fast forward!

As the "dark money" scandal continues to rumble on just what are the connections between the think tanks which appear constantly in the media and what, if anything, can be done to increase transparency over their funding?

After a flurry of thoughts on the new batch of Tory ministers, Brexit chaos, and the threat of a No Deal, Lesley shines a laser like light on climate change, the real headline issue.

All of this plus, a story I spotted you'll all go and google, the great raspberry v strawberry debate, and the pleasures of getting out of the car.