Previous Episode: The Basement Tape

After Lesley and I ruminate on our low tech methodologies of checking whether we're recording an interference free podcast- my nipping ben the hoose at its heart- Lesley examines the Arctic Circle's October Assembly in Iceland and the Scotland and the New North Conference taking place in Edinburgh in November.

I chip in on Radio 4's short series,"The English Fix".In particular the final episode featuring Sir Roger Scruton.

Lesley goes back to the future and reflects on Tony Blair's latest Brexit intervention and I chip in on the Common's debates on the EU Repeal Bill.

The alert among you, and that means all of you, will note the rustling of paper and my confusion during some of Lesley's contribution. This is accounted for by my accidentally flicking back to notes covering Brexit from some months ago resulting in an almost out of body state of confusion as I went back to the future.

Lesley masterfully covers my blushes.

All this and the Scottish Independence Convention Build 2 Conference.