The horrifying  Scottish drug deaths statistics are the main thrust of this week's podcast bringing into sharp focus the necessity of the Scottish government to challenge the reserved powers Westminster holds over this area.It's now time, we believe, for Holyrood to take control and enact progressive policies to tackle the root problems and defy the Tory government to stop them.
There's a bizarre current paradox facing the Scottish islands,depopulation but lots of folk wanting to move there to live. The Scottish government is proposing that 100 folk get £50000 each to resolve this conundrum. Is this enough, or,as we suspect,just another headline grabbing sticking plaster that ignores the real issues?
Last week we asked just what was the point of the Lib Dems. This week the talk of the steamie has been,what's the point of SNP MPs being at Westminster? We examine the ideas floating around not only their role in London,but what part they could play in Scotland if the SNP developed a practical independence strategy.
All Under One Banner organised a demo in Dundee last Saturday which was underwhelming in its turnout. What's the future for any other AUOB events, which proved spectactularly successful in the past, and is there a need for a new broader Yes street campaigning orgnaisation?