Previous Episode: The Real Deal?

Greta Thunberg's words on Scotland and climate change were definitely mangled by the BBC but should we patting ourselves on the back on our response to the emergency?
Lesley reflects on the opportunities missed by the SNP government in terms of district heating and insulation in particular and what difference,if any, the agreement with the Greens will make to future decision making.
Yesterday saw the FM field questions from opposition parties on that agreement. Has she and her party pulled off a master stroke politically in making progressive unionists seem to be carping from the sidelines rather than cooperating in areas of policy agreement?
Last weekend saw the first Celtic Rangers game and the almost inevitable outbreak of anti Irish,anti Catholic racism on the streets of Glasgow. Pauline McNeill raised this at FMQs and there,at last, seems to be a move away from the "sectarianism" narrative to one which calls this out as the racism it's always been.
Dominic Raab,unlike the FM, point blank refused to answer questions from Stewart McDonald on the timing of his holiday during his session in front of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee.He also came under attack for his failure to act on intelligence reports back in July on the deteriorating Afghanistan situation.
Finally Pat's visit to the Night Fever exhibition and Dundee's V&A sparks off a discussion of the role of UK wide cultural institutions in Scotland and memories of the great Michael Marra.