Previous Episode: The Infamous Grouse
Next Episode: What's my line?

We're back!

Yup after a two-week break, during which time nothing politically significant at all has happened, the podcast has returned. Please read that last sentence with a note of irony, of course.

As you might be aware our absence was down to my better half's close encounters with the NHS and that's where we begin.

Lesley recently went to see Nae Pasaran, the movie about the Scottish workers who defied Pinochet's fascist dictatorship in Chile. What lessons can we draw from this amazing true story for today?

We, unashamedly, spend the rest of our time focusing on whether independence is the cause that dare not speak its name amongst the SNP leadership, the role of SNP MPs at Westminster, and the role of Holyrood. 

As well as all that, and there's a lot of all that, we muse on tablet, visits to Skye and Belfast, and David Mundell ecdysiast.