Previous Episode: Game Changers
Next Episode: It's good to be back

Lesley found herself at the centre of a Twitter pile on when she raised how cold the working conditions were for staff at her local Tesco store. She discovered there was a lot more to it than face value when she responded to the criticism, not only in terms of the treatment of workers but the climate emergency.

SEPA has also come in for some stick this week for its use of short haul air flights to the Scottish islands. Again, Lesley probes beneath the presenting issue to examine the potential for technological solutions and the underlying problem of our top down, centralised systems.

Sticking with climate, Ursula von der Leyen, German Minister of Defence & Candidate for President of the European Commission, has promised a Green Deal in order to secure left votes for her candidacy. In the same speech she also reiterated the EU's complete support for the Irish backstop. This in stark contrast to the latest utterances form both Johnson and Hunt, who have both declared the backstop "dead".

The two Tory leadership contenders did condemn the latest tweets from Donald Trump telling the four Democratic members of the House of Representatives to go back to the countries they came from but refused to label the comments as racist. As Trump doubled down on his attacks last night, just what does this say about the current state of the USA and the UK.

The latest set of drug death figures for Scotland are about to be released and they're expected to show yet another horrific rise. Just what can the Scottish Government do, given that drugs policy is a reserved matter?

There's also a wee bit of chat on the importance of sporting events being free to air, my cricket listening habits, and our obsession with turning off taps.