Previous Episode: 2014 Review - G To L
Next Episode: 2014 Review - T to Z

In the third of the series of 2014 Reviews, we travel from M to S. We start with an example of 'M' and touch on politicians, newspapers, 'Question Times', boat festivals , TV stations and programmes as we finally land on 'S'.  As you can imagine, there is a fair bit of referendum but more happened. It is also worth pointing out that all the Lesley Riddoch podcasts are still there in the archive for you to download and listen to. So, if there is a topic you want to hear more about from 2014, please search the archive, it's bound to be there.


The final part of the 2014 Review will be posted on New Year's Day 2015, when we surface. So have a a happy Hogmanay and all the best for 2015 from us to you.