How to start your kids on a healthy wellness routine is an interesting topic.

It’s a potentially tricky topic for many of us, because we may be into wellness, nourishment, picking the best ingredients, but our little ones are in a completely different mind space.

They're so present with what's in front of them from the colors, the characters and the flavors, that trying to convince them that kale is what they should fill their belly with instead of a cookie, may be a little bit tricky for them to understand.

My oldest son, Bubby now is four and a half, and we're definitely starting to go through some of this. He tantrums a bit now and he stamps his feet, and he's had a taste of vegan cookies and he likes them, and he's starting to try to be independent.

I definitely have some tips to share with you that have worked for our family, and some things that I have utilized with clients in the past that also have kids and are looking to transition as they have transitioned their lifestyle as well.

Be sure to tune!

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How to start your kids on a healthy wellness routine is an interesting topic.

It’s a potentially tricky topic for many of us, because we may be into wellness, nourishment, picking the best ingredients, but our little ones are in a completely different mind space.

They're so present with what's in front of them from the colors, the characters and the flavors, that trying to convince them that kale is what they should fill their belly with instead of a cookie, may be a little bit tricky for them to understand.

My oldest son, Bubby now is four and a half, and we're definitely starting to go through some of this. He tantrums a bit now and he stamps his feet, and he's had a taste of vegan cookies and he likes them, and he's starting to try to be independent.

I definitely have some tips to share with you that have worked for our family, and some things that I have utilized with clients in the past that also have kids and are looking to transition as they have transitioned their lifestyle as well.

Be sure to tune!

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