How does eating plant-based affect your hormones, menstrual cycle and beyond? Well tune in Beauties...

I am super excited for our guest today who is someone that I admire and love very much. His work is incredible. His name is Dr. Neal Barnard and he is a clinical researcher and the founding president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

He's authored over 19 books and his new book is out called, Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health.

I've read this book cover to cover. Not only is it interesting and fascinating, but it's super useful, especially for all of us women right here, right now.

It applies to the modern world and issues that a lot of us have are directly addressed in the book.

Here's someone who really knows what they're talking about and thankfully he is helping to influence nutrition on a mass scale.

Tune in to learn what foods are problematic to your hormones and your health!

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How does eating plant-based affect your hormones, menstrual cycle and beyond? Well tune in Beauties...

I am super excited for our guest today who is someone that I admire and love very much. His work is incredible. His name is Dr. Neal Barnard and he is a clinical researcher and the founding president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

He's authored over 19 books and his new book is out called, Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health.

I've read this book cover to cover. Not only is it interesting and fascinating, but it's super useful, especially for all of us women right here, right now.

It applies to the modern world and issues that a lot of us have are directly addressed in the book.

Here's someone who really knows what they're talking about and thankfully he is helping to influence nutrition on a mass scale.

Tune in to learn what foods are problematic to your hormones and your health!

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