In 2022 it seems that the only certain thing in business is uncertainty. Supply chain issues, never experienced to this degree before, have created uncertainties in product availability, technology deployment, exports, processing, equipment repairs, and more, and Russia’s war in Ukraine has thrown in a multitude of additional uncertainties for food and ag that have not been seen in decades. 

Along with rising input costs for feed, fuel and fertilizer, overall the specter of inflation is front and center after being mostly absent for decades. Interest rate direction will also impact agriculture, particularly with regard to what all these uncertainties might hold for land prices.

During the main thrust of planting season we spoke with Randy Dickhut, Senior Vice President – Real Estate Operations with Farmers National Company during a segment on Feedstuffs 365, our live video streaming channel.

This episode is sponsored by United Animal Health, a leader in animal health and nutrition. You can learn more about United Animal Health and how they are working to advance animal science worldwide by visiting their website

You can read more about the markets and overall agricultural economy in the pages of Feedstuffs – just visit and click on “digital editions” – or watch interviews with industry leaders like Randy via our livestream video channel,