The transmission of disease-causing pathogens via feed ingredients has garnered a tremendous amount of study in recent years. With the specter of African Swine Fever in the minds of every U.S. pork producer, understanding the survivability of viral pathogens in a variety of vectors is critically important to adequate biosecurity on hog farms.

Dr. Scott Dee is a veterinarian and research at Pipestone Applied Research. He and his colleagues have done as much or more study into the role feed ingredients play in virus transmission as anyone in the business. His most recent paper looked at a case study in which Senecavirus A was introduced into a historically-negative country via soybean meal imported from a positive country.

In this episode we talk with Dr. Dee about the findings from this case study, how they apply to U.S. swine biosecurity efforts, and what veterinarians and producers need to do more generally to achieve what he describes as “next-generation biosecurity”.

This episode of Feedstuffs in Focus is sponsored by Topigs Norsvin. Swine genetics company Topigs Norsvin is renowned for its innovative approach to implementing new technologies and its continuous focus on cost-efficient and sustainable pig production. Research, innovation, and dissemination of genetic improvements are the cornerstones of the company. 

Topigs Norsvin’s approach of breeding pigs for enhanced, natural robustness to disease challenge is a viable solution for disease control. You can learn more about Topigs Norsvin and their natural breeding approach by visiting their website