Dairy producers face a number of challenges in producing milk profitably, and an understanding of rumen function and ways nutritional strategies can unlock additional pounds of milkfat is one avenue for increasing the opportunity for profitability.

At the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin, earlier this month, Novus International debuted a new program called Scale Up™; the program is designed to turn production challenges into herd profitability by providing innovative feeding strategies that optimize milk and component yields. Along with increasing beneficial microbiota in the rumen and optimizing rumen function, the program aids in optimizing feed intake and meeting the metabolic needs of lactating cows.

In this episode we talk with Ceclia Lopez, Novus’ North America ruminant marketing manager, and Dr. Will Seymour, ruminant technical services manager, to learn more about Scale Up.

This episode is sponsored by Novus International. You can learn more about the Scale Up program for Dairy by visiting NovusINT.com.