Animal disease outbreaks are one of the key challenges facing livestock producers and veterinarians. State veterinarians and related animal health officials at the state level play a critical role in managing outbreaks of certain diseases that could devastate the industry. Significant progress has been made in recent years but there is more that needs to be done to support the preparedness and planning effort of the states. 

Earlier this week, Feedstuffs visited with several swine industry professionals at the American Association of Swine Veterinarians annual meeting. We spoke with Indiana State Veterinarian Dr. Bret Marsh about his role in disease preparedness in his state, and what state health officials can and should be doing to help the industry be ready for potential foreign animal disease issues.

We also talked with Dr. Marsh about the current avian influenza outbreak in the Hoosier State.

You can see more of our coverage of the AASV annual meeting at

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