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And we’re back! Kicking it off with the Akashic message for September: It’s time to question the great illusion of the Linear, the stories we’ve been sold, & support the powerful spiralic centrifugal forces within you by taking yourself for a spin. In this season of transition (and fall time in the northern hemisphere), we’re reminded of how everything blossoms into a death and rebirth process - encouraging us to embrace the medicine of letting go. BEING the flow of change versus being a victim of change.

Our guides ask us to question the stories we’ve being sold... Consider how the linear ways of life are holding you back from your own truth. How are they keeping you safe in a tiny box but preventing you from experiencing the fullness of what a spiralic expansive multi-dimensional earth walk can truly provide? THAT is your true nature and path, and the task for this month.

We are given recommendations of practices that will help us navigate this process and support the centrifugal forces within us in order to assimilate all in-formation and stay healthy body, mind, spirit. 

I also give updates on what I’ve been up to during break, share a tarot card pull, and address the energetics of grief that are coming up this season. Aaand I’m excited to share about the new and upcoming workshops and offerings - make sure to sign up to the newsletter for updates and first dibs on exclusive offers!

For more detailed show notes, click here




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If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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