How do you begin working with the moon? What does that actually look like and what can it do for you?

That's what Sarah Faith Gottesdiener began teaching in her Many Moons workbook for the past 3 years, which have now become a cult classic.

Sarah Faith is a creative, an artist, designer, writer, teacher, and Tarot reader, who hopes to provide inspiration and support through a variety of different avenues. Her Many Moons workbook provides a variety of esoteric and practical tools, utilizing the phases of the Moon in real time to get you anchored, in touch with your intuition, and on your path with more intention, and more results.

In this episode, we dive deep right away into how to cultivate trust and build your own intuitive practice working with the moon, the history of suppression and oppression of people and magic, how working with the moon has helped Sarah in her own journey with chronic illness.

We have been using her Many Moons workbook as a resource for our #UNFILTERED Moon Musings episodes and are excited to share her process of creating the book, how to begin working with the moon.

Full show notes:

Reach us on Instagram:

Sarah @gottesss

Venessa @wildlyrooted

Megan @amethyst_and_rose