You’re getting 2 for 1 in today’s episode! We’re covering the Cancer Solstice (June 20th) AND this potent Full Moon in Capricorn (happening June 21st/22nd). This special time of the year marks a pivot point encouraging us to cultivate a sanctuary for self-nurturing while the full moon offers a potent opportunity to check in on our holy commitments, aligned choices and sacred duties before we move on to the next chapter of our lives.


In this episode:

3 planets in Cancer, upping the “mama bear hugs” vibe

The Cancer - Capricorn polar dynamics and how it will show up in your life

The plight of empaths and how this Capricorn moon can help

What’s frazzling our nervous systems and how to ground and regulate

How to take advantage of our TWO Capricorn full moons and what they’re highlighting

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Saturn in Pisces and how Capricorn is helping us to bring back Heaven on Earth

Medical astrology for Capricorn: internal structures + regulation

A look at Cannabis as a supportive ally for Capricorn and the pain-body


FREE GIFT 🎁Download this powerful Akashic Activation meditation for clarity on your sacred soul calling as a healer!👇🏽