We have double the moon musings for you in this episode, covering a mini post-Virgo New Moon reflection and a current musing on this Pisces Harvest Full Moon. 

After my family journeyed with an intense bout with Covid, I’m finally able to share the messages and potent Akashic channeling that came through for the new moon, now realizing the message was meant to be a bridge between lunations, previewing influences of the watery energetics Pisces has to offer us.

From planting seeds in the grounded earthy energy of Virgo to harvesting nourishment within the vast emotional ocean of Pisces, we are also reminded of our ability to catch and release that which doesn't serve us. We’re invited to re-member the gift of sovereignty given to us by Virgo’s Virgin Goddess, and take this wholeness and Self-resourcefulness into the watery depths of our Piscean intuitive understandings and dreamscape.

I cover influences from fiery and innervating Mars and Mercury, the planet of communication and the mind which stationed retrograde, as well as many other planets retrograde, giving us an opportunity to pause and review the past year. This lunation makes it even clearer that control is an illusion - it always was. While we may feel unsettled and uncomfortable as old wounds and issues bubble up to the surface, a Pisces Full Moon also brings energy that helps to thin the veil, allowing us to access our intuition, Higher Self, and spirit guides with greater ease. 

From our Akashic Guides:

“Utilize the energies of this time to light the candle flame of awareness and plant the seeds of devotion in this fertile soil. This is ceremony… a devotional life in the name of love, where you are the ceremonialist, the altar, and the early morning tides of a New Earth.” 

Tune in for more.

Themes include: Harvest, emotional tending, intuition, sovereignty, review and renew. 


SOVEREIGN WOMAN :: Access this rich library collection 22+ hours of video teachings, Matriarchal wisdom, and sovereign skills to support the rise of the wild woman within. 

In these uncertain times, now more than ever, it is important to deepen our skillset and gather the tools in our medicine bags to support our sovereignty.

Learn more at www.wildlyrooted.com/sw 


Full Show Notes: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/fywpodcast/piscesfullmoonsep2022 

Applications are open for The Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway: A 6 month group mentorship and practitioner mastermind for healers and helpers who are ready to step out of the spiritual closet, expand their intuitive gifts, and go from struggling empath/conventional practitioner to New Earth Intuitive Healer. 


APPLY FOR WILDLY INTUITIVE PRACTITIONER PATHWAY :: Learn more + apply for the Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway Mentorship for your invitation to my FREE PRIVATE TRAINING on “How to Create A Transformative Intuitive Healing Practice You Love” >> https://www.wildlyrooted.com/apply 




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