Join me on another nature walk as we explore this potent Lion’s Gate portal on the Feed Your Wild podcast with an impromptu Akashic channeling.

Literally woken up by this Akashic channeling from our Guides, I had to get outside and deliver this auspicious message along with musings on this powerful portal. 

I cover what the Lion’s Gate is, the significance of our “spiritual Sun” Sirius and how this week’s energy supports our personal and collective evolution.

We touch on ways of communing with the compassionate leader within you, and Leo’s connection to the Strength card in tarot. Our body (on all levels) is a microcosm of our external experience including the world & greater cosmos. Going through the Lion’s Gate is to awaken your powers of transformation, fully embodying your gifts & purpose with confidence.

It’s prime time for you to burn away what’s keeping you back from shining your light so you have the vitality, knowing, confidence, and will to bring your gifts forward out into the world.


From our Akashic Guides:

“These times were made for paradoxical existing

Living the totality of the cosmos in your every breath

It is simple, really

The unfurling happens just under your feet, felt but unheard and unseen…”


Themes include: Spiritual sun, transformation + transmutation, Inner strengths, Compassionate leadership, Light codes, Shedding skin. 


Applications are open for The Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway (until Monday Aug 15th): A 6 month group mentorship and practitioner mastermind for healers and helpers who are ready to step out of the spiritual closet, expand their intuitive gifts, and go from struggling empath/conventional practitioner to New Earth Intuitive Healer. 


APPLY FOR WILDLY INTUITIVE PRACTITIONER PATHWAY :: Learn more + apply for the Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway Mentorship for your invitation to my FREE PRIVATE TRAINING on “How to Create A Transformative Intuitive Healing Practice You Love” >>